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Welcome to
Pasture to Plate Co.
Premium beef & pork from our pastures to your plate!
We are the Stedem family and we are Pasture to Plate Co. We take great care and effort in providing premium beef from our Black Angus based herd as well as heritage pastured pork. Our cattle are raised without hormones, antibiotic free, grain-finished and dry aged 21 days. Our hogs are raised in pastures (never confinements) without hormones, antibiotics or steroids, supplemented on non-gmo grains as well as humane and EOV certified. At Pasture to Plate Co. we strive to bring premium beef and pork from our pastures to your plate, as well as the real story behind it. We offer individual cuts of meat as well as beef and pork bundles and lastly 1/4, 1/2 and whole processed beef. All meat is processed at our small town butchery under USDA inspection.
Check out our premium beef and pork offers here!

Shop Our Premium Beef Now
Hugh Leo Hawkins
It is the best beef you will ever eat!
Leah Hicks
I have always LOVED your beef! This is our 16th year!
Lauren Lee
The beef we purchased is amazing!